COVID-19 Response
Out of an abundance of care and concern for you, our team members, and our greater community, H&S has closed its doors to outside visitors effective until further notice.
Some of us are still working in our offices, while others are working from home and we remain dedicated as ever to you. Our professionals are available via email, phone, online meeting, or even video conferencing to continue to serve you.
All offices have either a dedicated area and/or drop box for you to leave your materials with us. Additionally, we have encrypted/secure portals you can use to upload information to us. Please call Lauren Miller at 989-817-4900 to set up your secure portal if you do not already have one.
Our interactions may temporarily be altered, but our commitment to you will not. Thank you for the trust you place in us. Together we will all get through this.
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” – Henry Ford
Thank you, and please take abundant care,
H&S Companies