Federal relief dollars from the CARES Act are beginning to flow into Michigan. Several programs have been announced the past several days, please see below for a break-down and how to apply.
- Michigan COVID-19 Safety Grant Program
o Provides matching funds up to $10,000 for safety and health-related equipment or training in response to COVID-19. Must be under 250 employees and under MIOSHA jurisdiction. This is a reimbursement program, beginning July 27 through August 7. First come first served. Apply at Michigan.gov/COVIDworkplacesafety
- Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms (TAAF) up to $75,000 in co-funding assistance for manufacturers to increase competitive edge against import competition.
o Funds are flexible, and can pay for marketing and sales support, Lean & Six Sigma implementation, CAD training, succession planning and more.
o Visit gltaac.org for more details
- Michigan’s State Trade Expansion Program (MI-STEP), offering financial assistance for exporting activities to Michigan small businesses. Eligible expenses include foreign trade missions, website translation, marketing design, export training and more.
- Ag-Safety Grants –
o Provides $1,000 per employee for COVID-19 mitigation costs. Funds are first come, first served. Application period is now open, apply at michiganbusiness.org/agsafety
§ $1.25 Million: MEDC Small Farm Safety Grant (less than 10 employees)
§ $15 Million: Agriculture Safety Grant (Farms/Food processors with 10 or more employees)
- Small Business Restart Grant: Application now live, through August 5. Apply at michiganbusiness.org/restart
o Must have under 50 employees and be negatively impacted by COVID-19. Grants up to $20,000 per business.
- MSF Awardee Relief Initiative
o Prior Michigan Strategic Fund awardees, grantees or borrowers have options for flexibility with repayments, milestones, etc…
A full list of grant resources is available here: michiganbusiness.org/about-medc/covid19/
Newaygo County businesses with under 50 employees are also able to apply for the following loan options
o The Fremont Area Community Foundation has partnered with MSU Federal Credit Union to provide loans between $5,000 and $50,000. To apply or learn more, email loan@facommunityfoundation.org
o Northern Initiatives is offering flexible loans between $5,000 and $20,000. To apply or learn more, email mevans@northerninitiatives.org