Don’t Give Hackers the Chance to Hold Your Sensitive Data for Ransom

Don't leave your data "unlocked" and open to hackers. reported that hackers recently attacked a small medical practice in Illinois. According to the article, they breached the security system, stole and encrypted medical records, and then demanded ransom in exchange for the password to retrieve the records.
It’s important to remember that just because your computers are locked away safely in your office, doesn’t mean the data is. Simple things to remember include using a variety of unique passwords, having proper anti-virus software installed, and ensuring your network firewalls are in place. Don’t have an IT department? The H&S Computers team can help!
To learn more about the attack read, Hackers Encrypt Health Records and Hold Data for Ransom
For more information about network security, contact Andy Bradshaw.
Andy Bradshaw
IT Systems Engineer